Thursday, 31 March 2011

VFABP Collage

Viruses/Fungi/Archaea/Bacteria/Protista Collage Guidelines

·        Pick one clade of Virus, Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi, or Protista
·        Different clade for everyone
o       First come first serve
o       Virus
o       Archaea
o       Bacteria
o       Protista
§         Excavata
§         Chromalveolata
§         Cercozoa, Foramnifera, and Radiolaria
§         Amoebozoa
§         Choanozoa
o       Fungi
§         Basidiomycota
§         Ascomycota
§         Zygomycota
§         Chytridomycota
·        For the collage, use
o       Pictures from a magazine
o       drawings
o       photographs
o       Remember- collage means many intersecting pictures covering the entire page
·        One page typed paper
o       Follow the Source Guidelines given out earlier
§         Books need author, title, publisher, publish date, publish location, page numbers
§         Magazines and journals need author, name, article title, date, and page numbers
o       Be careful to report all sources used in the Works Cited
o       Be careful to report all sources used within the body of the paper, i.e. (Name, Year), or (Benjeloun, March 32nd, 2024).
o       2.5 cm margins on all sides, 10-12 pt. font, Times New Roman or Ariel.
·        For research, use
  • The web- official science sites only
    •  Use Wikipedia to get real sources 
  • Your Biology book
Due April 18th.

Monday, 14 March 2011

The Tree of Life

For Biology: Go to the Tree of Life. This website is a wiki, designed to be all-encompassing for all of life, with pictures and text on every species.

Click on the tree on the front page, or go to “Root of the Tree”, and follow the links for awhile, simply exploring. Each page is constructed as a branching cladogram.

Pick a clade and read about it. Write down the clade's name and a short summary of what you learned. Be sure the summary is in your own words and not copying from the website. Remember, other than scientific words, you may not have more than two words in a row the same as the website.

Be sure to include the full source site, including url, Title of the website, Title of the page, date it was written (if mentioned), and the date you accessed it.