Thursday, 31 March 2011

VFABP Collage

Viruses/Fungi/Archaea/Bacteria/Protista Collage Guidelines

·        Pick one clade of Virus, Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi, or Protista
·        Different clade for everyone
o       First come first serve
o       Virus
o       Archaea
o       Bacteria
o       Protista
§         Excavata
§         Chromalveolata
§         Cercozoa, Foramnifera, and Radiolaria
§         Amoebozoa
§         Choanozoa
o       Fungi
§         Basidiomycota
§         Ascomycota
§         Zygomycota
§         Chytridomycota
·        For the collage, use
o       Pictures from a magazine
o       drawings
o       photographs
o       Remember- collage means many intersecting pictures covering the entire page
·        One page typed paper
o       Follow the Source Guidelines given out earlier
§         Books need author, title, publisher, publish date, publish location, page numbers
§         Magazines and journals need author, name, article title, date, and page numbers
o       Be careful to report all sources used in the Works Cited
o       Be careful to report all sources used within the body of the paper, i.e. (Name, Year), or (Benjeloun, March 32nd, 2024).
o       2.5 cm margins on all sides, 10-12 pt. font, Times New Roman or Ariel.
·        For research, use
  • The web- official science sites only
    •  Use Wikipedia to get real sources 
  • Your Biology book
Due April 18th.

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